Civilization 4 patch 1.74
Civilization 4 patch 1.74

civilization 4 patch 1.74

The only hope I have for CIV4 is perhaps a mod or scenario, but everything I have tried so far was quite horrible. If it won't let me play till at least 2200, whether I first launch the nukes or not, there's no point in me playing the standard game. Since I play so much late game, and pretty much hate the political and other wins, this basically forces my to win in late game. I don't think there's enough memory in the world to make up the memory leaks and the late game crashes, but it does greatly reduce them along the way. My game had progressed IIRC to like 2050. Anyway, the last problem I had, which I have encountered was when presumably the other nations had decided to launch nukes after I just did. I was playing domination/conquest/cultural victories only combined with me pretty much not making any offensives until I got panzers. I play late game quite a great deal (I don't have BTS either). Where was it giving me trouble? Late game as you know. I then bought another 1GB of RAM and things improved dramatically, but still unplayable for me. I had problems similar to yours, but they were less dramatic. Sometimes crash is caused from runtime error with "R6025 pure virtual function call" text from Civilization4.exe.

civilization 4 patch 1.74

The crashes are in most cases total crashes so that the game just vanishes. The game will crash in most cases when I move the map, when City builds something after the turn or randomly when some unit gets its turn and gets focused. I cannot make a single turn without crash. Now around 1400AC, the game is totally unplayable. In early game, crashes seem to occur with 5-10 minute periods.

civilization 4 patch 1.74

I have tried different graphical settings, but the game just keeps crashing. Currently I am trying single player game with huge land and epic speed. Unfortunately I cannot compare to version 1.0 because I played only few rounds from the beginning. How ever, the game seems to crash very often and in the late game, it is totally unplayable.


DirectX component(s) were upgraded from MS download pages.


I also upgraded all of my drivers with the help of Driver Detective. I upgraded from version 1.0 (no patches) to latest version 1.74 from the game itself.

civilization 4 patch 1.74

Save game example was about 700kB so I was not able to attach it.I decided to go and get addicted again to Civ IV after a long break. I would estimate that about 10% of saves are corrupted and cannot be loaded. How ever, this still results unplayable game around 1700AC.Īs to make things more complicated, I also noticed that the game will corrupt save files. That is, I zoomed so that I can see units and buildings as very large. I am not sure if this is related or not, but I managed to play bit longer when I keep the map zoom very close to units and try to avoid using zoom function. Tried to remove other background applications while running Civilization.Īfter more test, the game still crashes.Adjusted DirectX audio and video settings from DxDiag.In an attempt to solve the problem described in the first post, I have been trying tricks mentioned in the Fix-It List thread: Even after reading multiple crash problems in this forum, I still would like to hope that these problems can be solved. My first post in here might have been sent to incorrect place, so I will try again here.

Civilization 4 patch 1.74